Drunk GNR driver kills bicyclist

bicycleA 16-year old cyclist died from his injuries having been hit by a car driven by an off-duty GNR officer on the way back from a birthday party - at 09.20 in the morning.

The accident occurred near Aquapark on the Quarteira to Albufeira road on Thursday morning, May 1st. Leandro Carvalho was taken to Faro hospital where later he died from his injuries.

The 40-year old officer in the past was honoured by the President with a silver Medal of Military Merit, and the Minister of Internal Affairs presented him with an award for Selflessness and Altruism in 2004. The officer was involved in an indident at a jewellers and received bullet woulds which required a year off work to recover. He currently is a member of the GNR’s criminal investigation unit.

For alcohol levels between 50mg and 80mg drivers are fined and lose their licence for at least a month. Penalties increase for readings over 80mg and from 80 to 120mg there is a fine of up to €2,000.

The GNR driver had been drinking and a blood alcohol level of 119mg of alcohol per litre apparently was recorded by police, but this possibly was up to 5 hours later in Faro hosptial. The limit above which there is an automatic criminal prosecution is 120mg of alcohol per litre.

The GNR command has opened an enquiry in which the off-duty officer, who was not driving a GNR vehicle at the time, will play a key part including questions as to why he left the scene of the accident and did not call emergency services