Algarve's hospital delays are a 'thing of the past'

stethascopeThe difficulties formally reported by the group of 182 Doctors working in the Central Algarve Hospitals region are all over, according to the Ministry of Helath.

The problems caused by the merger of Faro and the Barlavento hospital in Portimo led to cancelled surgeries, but that is all in the past as the Ministry assures everyone that all is now running smoothly.

In January 2014 Left Bloc MPs asked formally if the Government was aware of complaints about the sharp decline in health care availability for the population of the Algarve, especially the non-availability of commonly used medicines and medical supplies, and was the Minister aware of the criticism of the management of the new group headed by Dr Pedro Nunes?

Despite admitting that there had been postponements of some scheduled surgeries, the Ministry of Health response indicated that "postponements due to the alleged lack of materials are exceptional” and that there had been shortages in the last weeks of December 2013 and January 2014, during which the supply system was centralised and the computer systems were changed.

Data released by the ministry during the fourth quarter of 2013 shows that 112 surgeries were delayed, while in January 2014 some 40 surgery procedures were postponed.

The questions asked by the Left Bloc back in January did not cover the other shortcomings in the system or the objections to the management style of Dr Nunes who has managed to upset, annoy and belittle many of the medical staff to the point where Portugal’s Medical Council decided to investigate his professionalism after he referred to members of his staff as ‘donkeys.’