Government approves 30% reduction in toll prices on Via do Infante

GOVERNMENT APPROVES 30% REDUCTION IN TOLL PRICES ON VIA DO INFANTEThe Minister of Territorial Cohesion, Ana Abrunhosa, announced today that the Government will reduce tolls by 30% on several ex-SCUT roads, including the A22, A23 and A24.

“We will have a 30% reduction compared to current prices on roads such as the A22, the A23, the A24, the A25, the A4, the A13 and the A13-1”, said the official.

The decision was taken today at a meeting of the Council of Ministers, and aims to restore “territorial justice”.

According to the minister, the discounts will come into force in January 2024 and apply to class 1, 2, 3 and 4 vehicles.

The Minister of Infrastructure, João Galamba added that "This measure represents an annual expenditure for the State of around 72 million euros."