Vila Real de Santo António: infant school teacher attacked outside the school

VILA REAL DE SANTO ANTÓNIO: INFANT SCHOOL TEACHER ATTACKED OUTSIDE THE SCHOOLA 60 year old infant school teacher at the Stº António 1st cycle school in Vila Real de Santo António, was attacked on Friday at the entrance to the school.

The attackers were reportedly the parents of a child, who were called to school due to the "conflicts that the boy caused".

The teacher was violently attacked, with punches, slaps and hair pulling, and had to be transported by INEM for hospital treatment.

A father who was nearby tried to stop the attacks, but also ended up being attacked. The situation only became calmer when a man on a scooter passing by stopped and managed to calm the situation.

The GNR recorded the incident and interviewed the attackers. Seven people involved in the attacks were identified, "and an iron and a wheel wrench were seized, which were believed to have been used to attack the teacher".
