Albufeira: Young woman finally sentenced to 10 years in prison for nightclub murder

ALBUFEIRA: YOUNG WOMAN FINALLY SENTENCED TO 10 YEARS IN PRISON FOR NIGHTCLUB MURDERMariana Carrilho, 22, has now been convicted of simple homicide, for stabbing to death Núria Gomes, 19, outside a nightclub in Albufeira. She was also ordered to pay compensation of €13,000 to Núria's family, for moral damages.

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Carrilho took the knife into the nightclub, hidden under her armpit, at her boyfriend's request. And then later, on the street, she used it to stab Núria in the chest, causing her death.
The crime took place in the early hours of April 16th last year, with the final court decision reading being postponed twice, from June 28th 2024 to July 11th 2024, then to yesterday, Monday 15th July, at 2:30 pm.

The murderer's boyfriend at the time, José Oliveira, who was on trial for hiding the murder weapon and for assaulting a member of the GNR, was acquitted.

Carrilho was accused of aggravated murder, but the judges decided that she should only be convicted of simple murder, which drastically reduced the sentence imposed to 10 years.

“What was read in this ruling is that the victim slapped the defendant and that she defended herself. But it makes no sense - you do not defend yourself from a slap with a knife”, said the lawyer of the victim's family, Ana Antunes. She says she is shocked that “they are treating the victim as if she were a defendant, and the defendant as a victim”.

The victim's family was outraged by the decision and is considering appealing to the Évora Court of Appeal.

Source - CM
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