Lagos: drug dealer arrested after complaints from locals

Lagos: drug dealer arrested after complaints from localsThe PSP in Lagos have arrested  a 48 year old man for selling drugs on the streets of Lagos, after reports from locals that he was doing so.

After the complaints from locals about obvious drug trafficking in the historic center and nightlife area of ​​Lagos, the police arrested the suspect and seized around 517 doses of drugs, of various types.

According to the PSP statement, 431 doses of hashish, 45 doses of cocaine and 41 doses of ecstasy were seized, as well as a mobile phone, a precision scale, packaging and cutting material, and €60 in cash.

The PSP say drug trafficking "was contributing to a feeling of insecurity", believing that this arrest "will contribute to the reduction of drug trafficking, in the form of direct sales, in that area of ​​the city".
