Convicted Algarve drug lord escapes prison

Convicted Algarve drug lord escapes prisonJailed since 2014 for 25 years, Fabio Loureiro, known as the “Gypsy”, is being called the “most sought after escape in the Algarve”, after he ran from prison in Lisbon on Saturday morning.

The man ran from Vale de Judeus Prison in Lisbon last Saturday morning, wearing a sweatpants and a black t-shirt, just a few days away from the ten year anniversary of his arrest. In addition to him, four other men also escaped.

According to prison services, the men escaped “with outside aid through the launch of a ladder, which allowed them to scale the wall and access the exterior.”

Fabio Fernandes Santos Loureiro is considered one of the most sought-after criminals in the region, formerly one of the largest drug lords in the country.

Following his arrest in 2014 , he began serving time in the Pinheiro da Cruz Prison in Grândola, but was transferred to Vale de Judeus Prison, in Alcoentre, Lisbon at the end of last year.

Fabio Louriro's last known address is close to Carvoeiro, Lagoa, so police are warning Algarve residents to be on the look out for him. He has a small tattoo of a tear next to his eye.

According to the authorities, if you spot him, you “shouldn’t make any contact, just call 112 immediately."