Online retailer Amazon rules

amazonMore shoppers than ever before are buying entertainment products, such as CDs, DVDs and games, from online sources.

One in every three pounds spent on these items goes to an online retailer.

Amazon and supermarkets have all benefitted at the cost of the high street, but it is Amazon which is in the lead, accounting for 17.6% of total spend.

British supermarkets Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Asda and Morrisons now dominate 41% of sales in the entertainment category between them. Tesco has the largest share with nearly 16%.

For Amazon, two-thirds of all its sales are of these products, indicating that those who were early on the market have captured the greatest sales. HMV, for example, has not benefitted from the online shopping boom. Even though it moved exclusively to online sales, it was a late player, and sales dropped more than 4% in the first quarter.

The survey, conducted by Kantar Worldpanel, studied the purchasing habits of 15,000 people.