Ronaldo and Real Madrid teammates miss dope tests

pepeThe hotel near Óbidos housing Portugal’s elite national football squad was visited yesterday by members of the world governing body for football’s anti-doping unit, carrying testing equipment.

The 20 Portuguese players who hope to represent Portugal in the World Cup in Brazil all underwent blood and urine tests.

Three Portuguese players who currently play for Real Madrid, Cristiano Ronaldo, Fábio Coentrão Képler Laveran Lima Ferreira (aka Pepé, pictured) managed not to be included in the random swoop as they were excuse heavy duties following their win in Lisbon over Atletico Madrid in last weekend's UEFA Champions League final.

So as to show no favouritism the three footballers are to be tested at some point before they set off for the contest whcih kicks off in Brazil on Thursday June 12th.