IKEA fate will be decided in the next two weeks

ikea2The long-awaited and much criticised Environmental Impact Statement relating to the proposed IKEA site near Loulé will be decided on in the first half of July and a decision published.

The pro-business Committee for Coordination and Regional Development of the Algarve today announced a short deadline for its decision and it is hoped that members will have had time properly to read the document and debate the potential impact and options available.

The public consultation process ended on May 27th 2014 and strong opinions from the Association of Commerce and Services of the Algarve Region, and environmental organisations such as Quercus and ALMARGEM, have been registered and will be considered as the committee decides the fate of the huge retail development.

The environmental ‘antis’ already have demonstrated their outrage and disgust at the intention to build the shopping centre and large underground car park in an area formerly classified as National Agricultural Reserve.

This land classification simply was ignored by Loulé councillors and the accusation is that the council was “satisfying the interests of big business groups which have clout with the public authorities."

Those responsible for the project, IKEA Portugal – Móveis e Decoração and Inter Ikea Center Portugal predict that the construction of the retail units, support structures and access roads will be ready two years after the start of work.

The question is, when will the work start, if at all?

The construction license can only be issued by the Chambers of Loulé and Faro after a ‘conditionally favorable’ or ‘favorable’ statement has been issued in response to the Environmental Impact Statement.