Retail sales in Portugal continue to fall

shoppingcentreThe volume of retail trade in the eurozone rose slightly in the eurozone during April of this year.

A rise of 0.4% was recorded.

But in Portugal, there was a -0.9% fall in April compared to March. This was one of the greatest drops in the region. Germany, too, experienced the same percentage fall.

This was the third consecutive month of contracting volume of sales of goods.

The picture for Portugal is yet gloomier when compared to sales last year at the same time. Sales were down by -0.4%, with Portugal being the only country out of the whole 18 member nations to register a drop.

Across the eurozone, sales of goods were up by 2.4% in April this year compared to a year ago.

On average, more food, drinks and tobacco were sold (0.4% more) in April along with more car fuel. Non-food products, such as clothing, electrical goods, and computer equipment, suffered a slight fall of -0.1%.