Spanish king’s popularly grows after abdication

juancarlosApproval ratings for King Juan Carlos of Spain have increased after he announced his plan for abdication.

The 76-year-old king plans for his oldest son, Prince Felipe, to take his place.

Some 65% of Spaniards now believe the king’s 39-year reign was good or very good, up from 41.3% in January.

The poll is believed to have been taken after reports said the king wished his heir to take over while he was still young. Prince Felipe is 46.

Just over 76% said the king was right to abdicate.

The poll also revealed that most people in Spain are in favour of the monarchy, and support has grown from 49.9% in January to 55.7% in early June.

The king’s popularly had been waning in recent years owing to several events which garnered poor publicity, including an elephant hunt in 2012 and his younger daughter being named as a tax crime suspect.

Now 73% said that Prince Felipe would make a good king. The Prince and his wife, Letizia, have two daughters, Leonor (8) and Sofia (7).

The poll was published in the daily paper El Mundo.