Disability access across the Algarve, Silves asks for public help

viladobispoholesSilves currently is characterised by uneven streets with potholes, traffic signs planted in the middle of pavements and a distinct lack of parking for disabled people.

These are numerous physical barriers that hinder the enjoyment of the city for partially-sighted people and for those with reduced mobility.

This dangerous and outdated situation is common across the Algarve but Silves council is doing something about the problem with its ‘Help Us Help You’ initiative which aims to identify barriers to access and the enjoyment of the many sites of interest in the municipality.

The International Day of People with Disabilities was way back in 2011 when volunteers were asked to perform day-to-day tasks as if they had disabilities, including driving a wheelchair, or walking blindfolded along a route ending at the municipal library, so they could understand how it felt for those who can not negotiate the numerous physical barriers around Silves.

Better late than never, after three years the council now is appealing to the public to help identify problem areas for disabled people and to send the council an email with a picture to acessibilidades@cm-silves.pt

"The ultimate goal of this project is to sensitise the general population to identify those obstacles across the Silves area," added the council spokesperson.

Much has been done to improve beach access for wheelchair users visiting the Algarve region but only now are the municipalities taking seriously the recommendations from disability groups that the state of the pavements and road systems in its towns and villages are dangerous for the able-bodied and fully sighted, let alone those with less than full functions.

Silves council's demand that the public send in pictures of problem areas can not be taken too seriously as a major new initiative, but it is a start. 

A people-power initiative has started in Vila do Bispo in the western Algarve where the locals are so fed up with the state of their roads and pavements that they have started to paint them (pictured) thus literally highlighting the problem,

see http://www.algarvedailynews.com/news/2523-vila-do-bispo-residents-paint-their-own-potholes