Over 9,000 HGVs pulled over in Operation Tribute

gnrThe GNR detected 489 violations related to tax evasion during Operation Tribute which involved stopping trade vehicles over a six day period.

Drivers of 9,017 heavy good vehicles have been pulled over and 489 offenses were detected, 355 of which related to the new Guia de Transporte system which has been criticised as being intrusive, unworkable and overly bureaucratic by business groups.

The GNR’s fiscal division reported that there were 61 fines issued for non-payment of vehicle road tax, 54 for lack of a current MOT certificate and 19 related offences.

The road traffic checks on goods and vehicles by the GNR aimed to detect tax evasion, in particular relating to Value Added Tax and vehicle roadworthiness.

The operation involved 1,949 GNR personnel from the standard GNR and its Fiscal Action Unit.

The action focused on motorways access points, except in the Algarve as few goods vehicles use the Via do Infante, and the country's main roads.