Portugal’s industry leaps ahead


shipyardIndustrial production in Portugal shot up by 6.7% in April, showing a good recovery for the 4% drop it experienced in March.

This was the highest jump in any eurozone country.

There was also a reassuring 5.8% increase when comparing April 2014 to that of April the year before.

The average across the eurozone was an increase of 0.8% compared to March and that, too, followed on the heels of a fall of -0.4% the previous month.

The highest annual eurozone increases in industrial production were registered in Ireland (15%) and Portugal.

The greatest decreases were in Malta (-11.4%), the Netherlands (-3.4%) and Greece (-2.4%).

According to Eurostat, the increases were due to the production of energy going up as well as non-durable goods, such as food, clothing, medication, office goods, and packaging.