Ryanair - people prefer the motorway

ryanair2Despite having a new communications director in a bid to cease the often ill-timed utterances of Ryanair’s chief executive Michael O’Leary, he is at it again.

His Holiness today announced that Ryanair will not resume the route between Lisbon and Faro which was suspended at the end of April.

The reason given was that “passengers prefer to travel by car.”

Michael O'Leary said the "the motorway is so good between Lisbon and Faro, so most Portuguese will drive." "I do not think our route works very well even with low prices from Ryanair" claimed the CEO.

Ryanair suspended operation between Lisbon and Faro as from April 24th, after starting the operation in early April, but said at the time that it anticipated that flights were resumed in October. The airline management justified its decision as due to "constraints on the ability of the aircraft."

O'Leary today said the aircraft used on the Lisbon-Faro route will be put to work in strengthening the link between Lisbon and Porto in adding a further daily flight to the current one.

The Irish airline also will launch four new routes from Lisbon in the winter season, to Milan, Rome, Bremen and Eindhoven, and boost daily frequencies to London and Brussels.