The future of motorcaravans in the Algarve

motorcaravan1The current situation where caravanners use public spaces in which to park for free came to a head in Silves this February when the local GNR expelled a group of caravanners and their vehicles from the public carpark by the river.

The mayor commented at the time, "In a time of severe economic, financial and social crisis, more patience and restraint was called for when judging what measures should be taken, because the presence of the motorcaravanners in the city of Silves is a boost and considerably supports local businesses.”

Encouraged by the town hall the caravanners returned, only to be expelled again by the GNR who were responding, it was alleged at the time, to complaints from locals.

A February debate on this topic in Castro Marim drew over 200 interested people contributing to topics such as the inadequacy of parking spaces, security problems, motorcaravanning as part of tourism development in the region and its positive effect on seasonality.
Another issue addressed in the Castro Marim debate was a CCDR-Algarve report on the creation of support structures for motorcaravanners and the importance of the 2008 legislation that already has enabled the construction of 12 dedicated motorcaravan parking areas in the Castro Marim area alone.

Overall in Castro Marim it was seen as a positive move to create a regional network of caravan parks with infrastructure for the supply of water and sewage discharge. Therew as noi agreement actually to do anything, just to agree it was a good idea if someone did something.

The debate on the future of caravans in the Algarve is scheduled Friday, 11th July, at 21:00 pm at the Teatro Mascarenhas Gregório in Silves.

It remains to be seen whether re-running the debate in Silves, just five months after the Castro Marim debate, will add anything that has not already been discussed.