Lagos paving disruption to last throughout tourist season

lagoscrestAs widely predicted by locals and Lagos business owners, the completion of the disruptive paving work taking place in the historic centre of Lagos, now will carry right on through the tourist season.

The original deadline of June came and went with a huge amount of work yet to be started and with other areas to be finished off.

The new deadline is 5th of September, thus ensuring maximum disruption to trade in the city centre.

The civil engineering contract was simply to fix the pavements in the historic centre but even this relatively simple task appears beyond the contractor.

The list of streets to suffer the maximum disruption is long and includes,  Rua Conselheiro Joaquim Machado, Rua da Torrinha, Rua Dr. Faria e Silva, Rua Dr. António José de Almeida, Rua dos Ferreiros, Rua dos Peixeiros, Rua 1º de Maio, Rua da Oliveira, Rua da Laranjeira, Rua da Amendoeira, Rua do Paiol, Rua do Jogo da Bola and Largo da Porta do Postigo.

"Although in some roads the paving work has been completed, it was necessary to extend the time for completion of work until early September since some difficulties were detected in the course of the work which only now have been possible to evaluate. These include the difficulties of access for machinery and equipment to some streets as well as the fact that the contractor can not work at the same time in more than one street in order maintain traffic and pedestrian flow," according to a council statement which calls also for the understanding and cooperation of residents during the works.

These entirely predictable operational aspects of any civil engineering project has left the council in the position of having to apologise for its own incompetence in overseeing the project with little or no control over progress and allowing the deadline to slip by 3 months.

The fact that machinery can not access certain streets presumably could have been ascertained by measuring it.

When it comes to fixing the D. Maria II bridge into the city, now long overdue after two years of traffic misery, residents will hope that excuses such as "excess water flow in a river" does not disrupt the council's carefully prepared operational plans.