Portugal's students gloomy but Algarve Uni attracts record numbers

student loanAlmost most half of Portugal's university students say they will have to leave the country to find work, according to an independent study carried out in cooperation with the Catholic University in Lisbon.

The study, 'Generation 2020 - the future of Portugal in the eyes of university students' recorded 46% of respondents with this viewpoint.

Half of the students associated the word ’emigration’ with 'Portugal' and 52% associated 'emigration' with the word ‘hope.’

The study collected opinions from 1,100 students aged between 18 and 30 attending both public and private universities in Portugal, the results did not make happy reading as a majority of the recently qualified youngsters aim to develop their careers elsewhere.

However, many aim to return as "self-confidence appears to be a characteristic trait for these youngsters who in 2020 will start to have an important role in the future of our country. 64% of students believe that they will be the main drivers of change," according to report’s findings.

The institutions they did not believe to be important at all were 'political parties,' 13%, and 'the Catholic Church,' 7%.

The good news is that enrollment in the country’s universities is increasing with the Algarve’s university a shining example of how inspired leadership can increase numbers, up 18% at the University of the Algarve largely due to the efforts of rector António Branco and his team.

Minister Miguel Poiares Maduro has announced that Portuguese universities and colleges may be able to get EU money to help them attract foreign students and lecturers.

“It is one of the export areas that is growing the most across the world and Portugal can offer attractive options for both Portuguese and foreign students,” according to Maduro who is working on a special visa for talented students as well as asking university rectors for their ideas of how best to market Portugal as a higher education destination before drawing up any new legislation.