Expats like life Down Under

kangarooAustralia again has received top marks as the best destination for British expats.

European countries did not appear on the survey until France was put in 10th most popular country, followed by Spain and then Portugal in 12th spot.

Nine out of 10 Brits in Australia say the move has improved their quality of life. The majority said that was what they sought when they planned the change.

Improved health was claimed by 73%. More than two-thirds (68%) said they had increased their disposable income, and 88% praised the state of Australia's economy.

The study, the seventh annual NatWest International Personal Banking Quality of Life index, also found that China, Singapore and Hong Kong were increasingly popular with Brits abroad due to better work prospects and higher salaries.

Among those in China, 71% went there for better job prospects and 87% said they earned more than they had in the UK.

Half said their work-life balance was better because of a friendly local culture, good food and good fitness opportunities.

Singapore also came up the ranks to reach fourth place, just ahead of China. Hong Kong offered expats low taxes, good public transport, and the widespread use of English, although overcrowding and air pollution were problems.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) took third place, with 92% having a high disposable income, 84% enjoying a good working environment and 82% saying they had excellent career prospects. But integration and making friends were drawbacks.

European countries were shown to be less popular than in the past, with 63% of expats saying they would consider returning to the UK.

The top 12 countries, as ranked by the index, are:

1. Australia

2. Canada

3. United Arab Emirates

4. Singapore

5. China

6. New Zealand

7. South Africa

8. Hong Kong

9. USA

10. France

11. Spain

12. Portugal