“Everything £1” claim refuted

poundlandBritain’s discount retailer Poundworld has come under fire from the Advertising Standards Authority for its “everything £1” claim.

The ASA rules that the claim is “misleading” as the stores carry some goods costing more.

The watchdog said the claim must not be used again until Poundworld can ensure that every item in the store is priced at £1.

Poundworld said products priced above £1 were “manager specials” which were on offer occasionally during the year.

"Occasionally we see a one-off product that is incredible value costing over the single price point that we believe our customers would like to see on sale," said Poundworld's trading director, Chris Edwards Junior. "These exclusive deals are incredibly popular.”

From its beginning in 2004, Poundworld has expanded its range to some 5,000 products offered for £1 in its 180 stores across the country.

Research by Deloitte earlier this year suggested one in five high-street shops vacated since 2009 has been taken on by a discount retailer.

But discount retailers do not always offer the best value for money. Some products are sold in smaller portions than what is usually found in supermarkets while other products simply cost a bit less elsewhere.