Whither Gordon Brown?

Gordon Brown missing from ParliamentThe former Prime Minister Gordon Brown has described himself as an “ex-politician” although he is still serving as an MP.

Mr Brown has been MP for Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath area since 1983.

But during a panel discussion, he was asked for his view “as a politician”.

He interjected “ex-politician”.  The panel’s chairperson noted “You’re still an MP” and Mr Brown acknowledged this.

The remarks were made at the World Innovation Summit on Education in Qatar.

Mr Brown could not be reached for comment on the incident.

This may have been an attempt at a joke, but others were quick to criticise.

Conservative backbencher Henry Smith said his "foreign jaunt" showed he "can't even be bothered to turn up for work".

SNP MP Pete Wishart asked in the Commons: "Do you know how you can be an MP and be an ex-politician at the same time?"

In response, Leader of the House Andrew Lansley chuckled and said: "Politician is an interesting description".

He added that all MPs have "the responsibility to represent our constituents both in the constituency and, in my view, here at Westminster."

Since he left office three years ago, the ex-PM has spoken five times in the House of Commons, four times on issues related to his Scottish constituency and once over phone-hacking.

The Public Whip website shows he has voted in 13.3% of divisions since 2010.

Lord Tebbit, the Conservative former cabinet minister, spoke in Mr Brown’s favour by pointing out: "He does not pay tax on the earnings that spring from the things he does as a former prime minister because he gives all those earnings to charity.”