'Algarve Encanta' roadshow returns to base

Desiderio SilvaThe ‘Algarve Encanta’ roadshow has ended after three intense days of gastronomic excess in Spain, with 380 Spansh travel agents and tour operators feasting courtesy of the Algarve’s regional tourist board.

The promotional campaign ended well with a "quite positive mood," the forecast of new business opportunities and with many new contacts being made, according to the board’s president, Desiderio Silva.

A total of 26 Algarve companies representing more than 60 hotels in the region travelled to Seville, Granada and Madrid with the aim of increasing exposure of the Algarve, expanding the knowledge that Spanish travel agents and tour operators have of the region and providing new business opportunities for those participating.

Desiderio Silva said the initiative should result "in an increase in sales in the Spanish market contributing to attracting more tourists for more overnight stays and more direct and indirect revenue to the regional economy, and the creation of more jobs."

The roadshow featuring the Algarve magic bus will carry on in November, taking the Algarve to Coruña and Vigo in north western Spain and on to Oporto and Aveiro in Portugal.