Algarve Tourist Board advises the Spanish on diet

fruit‘Try the Mediterranean diet in the Algarve" is the motto of the Algarve Tourist Board’s latest campaign currently running in the press, on radio and on billboards all over Portugal and in selected parts of Spain.

The tourist board is building on the publicity generated by the Mediterranean diet after it became a UNESCO registered ‘Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity’ product based on a successful application from Tavira.

Tourist Board supremo Desidério Silva, an ever present name in our lives, commented that the media plan is based on "Approaching the Portuguese and the Spaniards and inviting them to share this heritage, this Mediterranean Diet."

The goal is to promote the cuisine and the lifestyle of those living in Mediterranean countries by highlighting conviviality around the table, moderate consumption of wine and water and the use of olive oil and herbs in cooking.

This 'healthy eating' message is being communicated via advertising spots on radio, in newspapers and in magazines in Seville and Badajoz.  Advertising is underway on Portuguese radio stations and a billboard campaign is running in Coimbra, Lisbon and Oporto.

In addition to this advertising splurge, the Mediterranean diet is being promoted by Tourist Board staff at food festivals and tourism roadshows in Lisbon, Coimbra, Porto and Badajoz.

There is a dedicated brochure which explains in Portuguese, English and Spanish the ten principles of this cultural heritage.

"It is important that tourists appreciate that the Algarve is a good host and a safe guardian of the Mediterranean diet's heritage. They can visit us and share the lifestyle," summarises Desidério Silva,

The campaign motto is ‘Dieta Mediterrânica – um património com sabor a Algarve’  or roughly, ‘Mediterranean Diet - an asset with the taste of the Algarve.’