Man denies all knowledge of 27 armed robberies in Albufeira

albufeira2During the 2013 key tourist season of July and August, Hugo Gonçalves decided to occupy himself with robbing tourists at gun point.

The victims he chose were predominantly women and he attacked them in the early hours or near to dawn as they returned from 'a good night out.'

The terrified victims were relieved of money and mobile phones. This is the case for the prosecution.

Charged with 27 counts of aggravated robbery, the 'aggraveated' bit beacuse he used a starting pistol whioh looked like a real firearm, Gonçalves appeared in court in Portimão and denied all counts.

The prosecution said that Hugo Gonçalves’s and three companions were in possession of the victims' stolen cellphones and that Gonçalves is the robber who acted alone, often close to tourist complexes in Albufeira such as Albufeira Jardim, where many of the victims were staying.

In court, Hugo Gonçalves denied the crimes had anything to do with him, claiming he purchased the mobile phones that the police found in his house, from "a Brazilian."

Gonçalves was arrested in September that year and has been in custody ever since.

His version of events and his denial of any involvement in the robberies contradicts his initial statement made after his arrest and interrogation.