Hacking mastermind foiled by password

hackersAmerica’s most wanted cyber criminal was undone by his password.

Jeremy Hammond, 29, made it his mission to hack into US government websites to “expose and confront injustice”.

But at home the super-hacker set his password as “Chewy123”, Chewy being the name of his pet puss.

By his own admission, the password was “really weak”.

Agents armed with assault rifles raided his house in 2012 and he just managed to shut down his encrypted laptop.

But the casual password made it simple for FBI detectives to crack the encryption programme and access the stored information.

He was convicted in 2013 of hacking into a US security think tank called Stratfor, which does work for the US Defence Department and the Homeland Security Department.

Federal prosecutors said the Stratfor hack resulted in more than a million dollars in losses to individuals.