Portugal’s industrial output falls

shipyardIndustrial output picked up in the eurozone during September, growing by an average 0.6% over August this year.

But this was not the case for Portugal where industrial production suffered a drop of -4.1%. This was the greatest decrease in all of the eurozone countries.

The second greatest fall was -2% experienced in the Netherlands.

Output in Portugal has been mercurial over the last six months. A rise in April was followed by two months of declines but in July and August production was up in both months.

On average across the euro region, September saw the production of a healthy increase of 3% in capital goods, such as machinery, equipment, treatment plants and the like.

This jump carried the overall increase, as the output of other items declined. Durable and non-durable consumer goods, such as food, video games, sports goods, TVs, refrigerators and the like, dropped.