Portuguese turn the internet corner

fibreopticToday 70% of people in Portugal use the internet, up from only 40% in 2006.

Half of all those who use it say that they do so every day whereas only 22% of users did so eight years ago.

Across the wide European Union community, internet usage has sprung up rapidly to 65% of adults (between 16 and 74 years) who go online everyday.

In 2006, this was only 31%.

And today, only 18% of adults say they have never used the internet, down from 43%.

Still, Portugal ranks fifth among nations whose populations have no experience of the internet as 30% report they have never used it.

Highest lack of experience was marked in Romania (39%) and Bulgaria (37%), but Greece (33%) and Italy (32%) also lagged slightly behind Portugal.

Only 3% of people in Denmark, 5% in the Netherlands, and 6% in the UK said they had never gone online.

Only 16% of the Portuguese said they used cloud services for storing or sharing large files but this is not far behind the 21% average of all 28 EU member countries.

The majority of cloud service users everywhere were those young people aged between 16 and 24, many of them prompted by the ability to use files from several devices and to share files easily. Concerns about data protection and the use of large memory space were other reasons.

Perhaps surprisingly, access to large libraries of music, films, and TV programmes was the least important reason for using cloud storage.