GNR set up check points at popular New Year venues

accident125The GNR’s ‘Ano Novo Seguro’ operation starts today until January 4th as the police patrol roads and set up roadside inspection points - specifically on the routes to and from popular sites hosting New Year’s Eve festivities - ‘in order to prevent road accidents.’

According to the GNR website, throughout the operation there will be a total of 6,572 officers out and about to keep us safe.

Particular attention will be paid to those who have been drinking and are caught in charge of a vehicle, those who are stoned, have been speeding etc - in fact anything that is illegal.

On December 31st, 2013 and January 1st, 2014 the police caught 433 technically drunk drivers (126 of them were 'as newts') 529 speeding drivers and 54 drivers not wearing a seat belt.

The GNR rightly point out that "driving under the influence of alcohol, speeding and failure to use seat belts on all seats of the car are three of the main causes of deaths and injuries on Portugal’s roads."