Anonymous takes on the terrorists

AnonymousFaceThe hacker group Anonymous has vowed publicly to avenge the terror attack against Charlie Hebdo in Paris.

In a video message addressed to “al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and other terrorists” it said it was “declaring war against you, the terrorists”.

Because of the killing of innocent people and the “inhuman assault” on freedom of expression, Anonymous said it would track down the terrorists “everywhere on the planet”.

It added that the group will track down all the terrorists’ activities online and close all accounts on social networks related to terrorists in order to avenge those who have been killed.

“We will not let your stupidity kill our liberties and our freedom of expression”.

The video was presented by a figure wearing the group’s Guy Fawkes mask and with an obscured voice.

Anonymous are a group of hackers who have carried out a number of cyber attacks, including on governments, religious and corporate websites.