Consumer watchdog DECO today denounced the quality of ground beef samples after its technicians surveyed 26 high street butchers and found high levels of what it termed ‘dangerous additives’ in the majority of products tested.
Later in the day the government health and safety body ASAE stated that these chemicals were approved food additives and served to preserve the ground meat.
DECO took samples from high street butchers, markets and supermarkets, and tested the meat, general hygiene conditions and the temperature at which the products were stored.
ASAE later said that the methodologies used when DECO analysed the samples showed a "lack of clear and scientific information, a lack of information regarding the sampling method used and the analytical test methodology."
ASAE added that "the sampling carried out was clearly insufficient in view of the universe in question."
With regard to the questions raised in the study by DECO about the levels of sulphites detected, ASAE stated that "these are approved food preservatives and they can be used."
In 2014, ASAE inspected meat and meat products in stores and started 21 criminal cases and registered 152 administrative offenses.
DECO’s high chemical levels found in the ground meat it tested are therefore said to be acceptable as the number of tests were insufficient to get accurate data.
An additional finding showed chicken mixed in with the ground meat. ASAE had no comment on this allegation.