Half of UK businesses want to remain in the EU

londonNearly half of British business leaders say they value their current ties to Europe. According to 45%, Britain’s relationship with the EU should remain the same as it is presently.

Only 1% said they wanted the UK to get out of the European Union.

Another 45% believed that Britain should renegotiate its role in the EU to gain a greater independence from Brussels, hoping for less regulation while keeping the benefits.

Finally, 5% said they would prefer to have even closer ties with the EU.

A poll 108 executive directors and chairmen identified the split.

Among the general population, 17% are reported to want Britain out of the EU while 14% said the relationship should be strengthened.

The poll revealed that free trade with other EU countries was viewed as the greatest benefit of the union, and 33% said freedom of movement across borders makes recruitment easier.

But criticisms were made. Significant frustration was vented at the amount of regulation forced on companies. Nearly 80% believed the level of regulation on UK businesses is harming the economy.

Even if the UK were to leave the EU, businesses would still have to meet EU standards in order to trade there.