Meco drownings, expert witness discredits Gouveia’s testimony

mecobeachAn expert witness in the Meco beach tragedy where six university students drowned in December 2013, has cast serious doubt on the version of events given by João Gouveia, also known as ‘Dux’ who was the only one of the group left alive.

An expert in drowning from the Institute of Legal Medicine does not believe that the sole survivor of the tragedy had been in the sea where the other six youngsters perished.

The expert is to be heard in camera at the Setúbal court, so the information is unofficial but tvi has ascertained that João Ferreira dos Santos, who carried out the autopsy on three of the students, was asked in court about reports from doctors, nurses and firefighters who were on site and who observed João Gouveia.

The expert said that there is nothing in these reports that points to the claim of João Gouveia that he too had been swept into the sea but had managed to get back to shore to raise the alarm.

According to João Ferreira dos Santos, no one could have been in the water for more than two minutes in the tempestuous conditions on the night without getting a serious injury.

The expert added that it is not necessary for someone to have been in the water to get hypothermia.

According to the same expert, if 'Dux' had been in danger of his life, he would have been transported immediately to the hospital, but he was not.

The call made by Gouveia to the 112 emergency services was at 1:10 on the 15th of December, and he did not get to hospital until nearly 04:00.

If Gouveia had been in the sea, added the same expert, he would have had traces of algae on his body and this also was not the case. In addition, if he had nearly drowned as he claims, the doctor on duty would have requested additional tests.

Also this afternoon evidence will be heard from two experts from the Portuguese Institute of Sea and Atmosphere who analysed Gouveia’s clothing and detected traces of fresh water, not salt water.

The hearing continues and Dux’s lawyer will be countering and commenting on these expert observations.