Spain nabs sex traffickers

sex tradeA sex trafficking gang has been apprehended in Spain.

Twenty-five people were arrested for allegedly bringing in women from Nigeria and forcing them into prostitution.

The women, assigned fake identity documents, were flown to various destinations, such as Mexico and Brazil, before flying to Paris and then smuggled into Spain, according to the police.


Arrests were made in a number of Spanish locations, including Madrid, Toledo, Cantabria and Palma de Mallorca.

At the time of the arrest, one gang member was said to have been performing an abortion on one of the five women who were freed as part of the raids.

More than 100 vans were seized in Madrid and Valencia. Many were piled high with beer which served to conceal luxury goods hidden deeper within. The merchandise, from expensive televisions to cases of alcohol, was said to be worth some €5 million.

The gang used the vans to launder their profits and send them back to Lagos, police say.

Police say the gang started up more than 20 years ago in Nigerian universities and was also known for sending scam emails, asking recipients to send money.