Chinese shoppers boost Portugal's tax free retail trade

chinese moneyThe positive publicity surrounding all things Chinese continues as a report out today states that China’s tourists spend 3.2 times more in Portugal than those from Angola.

The data is from Global Blue, a company specialising in tourist shopping trends and will be used as further justification for the Golden Visa programme whose uptake has been almost exclusively from big-spending Chinese.

The actual spend in Portugal is not record breaking at an average of €935 per head but this then is compared with Angolan tourists who have felt their income drop as the country contracts due to the current low oil price.  

"In Portugal, the Chinese tourists already are the top spending customers," according to the research which noted that "Consumption by Chinese tourists is the fastest growing in Portugal."

The trend is a long standing one as tax free shopping spending has been led by the Chinese for the past seven years.

Portugal is not alone in attracting newly rich Chinese tourists as worldwide they spent 18% more in 2014 than in 2013.