Portas pushes golden visas in Russia

portas2The deputy prime minister is in Russia this week and has taken the opportunity to tell the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the gathered press what a good idea the Portuguese ‘golden visa’ scheme is for those Russians with €500,000 to spend on a house in Portugal which goves them free European access within the Schengen area.

Russia is currently second only toChina in the uptake of these valuable visas.

Portas also has mentioned trade and asked the Russian authorities to make it possible for its citizens to have access to "quality agri-food products in Portugal like good wine and good olive oil."

The Paulo Portas roadshow is aimed at attracting foreign investment in Portugal and he is travelling with a delegation of about 50 representatives from top Portuguese companies.

Lisbon is to host a Portugal-Russia businedd summit in the first quarter of next year when Russian businessmen can visit and look at opportunities for investment.

Since the creation of the golden visa scheme, the Ciniese lead the field with Brazilians spending €9.36 million so far, making them the third largest investor in the programme. Nine visas have been granted to Brazilians mostly due to property purchases.

Overall 320 permits have been issued to 21 nationalities with an investment of around €200 million which has helped Portugal's real estate sector to shift lots of high end properties.