Algarve Food Bank turns paper into food

fome5The Food Bank Against Hunger in the Algarve continues to find innovative ways to feed the poor. The programme has seen its collection of paper converted into cash that has enabled 85 additional tons of food to be distributed through the 'Paper for Food ' campaign since it started in January.

"The campaign is still continuing and the Algarve Food Bank is in second place nationally, just behind Lisbon," said the President of the charitable organisation, Nuno Alves who said that in the Lisbon area there are around 2 million people, while in the Algarve there are only between 400-450 thousand.

"We managed to involve the community and institutions in this campaign and this yielded 720 tons of paper between January and September 2013 . This resulted in 85 additional tons of food," said Alves.

"Hence we are relaunching the campaign, particularly in schools so they can maintain these high levels of paper collection," said the president.

"The crisis is at its peak and is it expected to continue. From January 2014 the Algarve will lose out on about 400 tons of food that came via a Community programme which will cease to exist. We are increasing our work so that the region does not suffer from lack of food, "concluded Nuno Alves.