Faro technology park still behind schedule

farocamaraFaro is still ‘planning’ the creation of the Algarve International Technology Park in the wasteland and countryside between the airport and the university despite having had the plan and co-financing since 2011.

"There will be lots of technology parks in Europe with the same features that this one will have, i.e. with a university nearby and near an airport” according to Camara vice-president Paulo Santos.

The detailed plan for the Montenegro and Gambelas area should formally be approved "within a year" Santos added with no clues as to why this has taken so long.

Faro will create the ‘urban base’ in partnership with the University of the Algarve to develop a technology park where businesses apparently will want to invest and settle.

"The proximity to the Iberian market and various other destinations, along with our climate, are more than enough reasons to decide on Faro," said the council spkesman.

The Urbanization Plan for 105 hectares of Montenegro and Gambelas was created back in 2011 under the MED Technopolis project and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). 'Planned are residential spaces, spaces for economic activities and green areas,' which does not seem too hard to achieve.

This wishy-washy council announcement in response to the recent crisp and business-like statements about Evora’s technology park do not bode well. If Faro was ever serious about this plan then it would be started by now, the council certainly has not shied from spending money over recent years but has a long history of announcing grandiose plans and not arrying them out.