Portimão council demands dismissal of the head of the Algarve’s hospitals

barlaventohospitalThe Portimão municipal assembly passed a motion of censure on the conduct of the President of the Hospitals of the Algarve (CHA) and called for the resignation of Pedro Nunes, according to the Left Bloc which put the motion forward.

The council claims that Pedro Nunes is responsible for the degradation of the National Health Service in the Algarve, with particular damage having been done to patients in the western Algarve and at the Barlavento Hospital in Portimão.

The motion was approved with 15 votes in favour, four votes against and four abstentions by members of the PSD.

The councillors believe that the president of the board of the CHA is a major contributor to the situation in Portimão hospital and warn of the ever present intention by Nunes to close the palliative care unit.

Nunes’ cursory comments over the death of a gypsy boy did him no favours and his popularity is perhaps as low as it has been since taking over.