Home Affairs Minister accused of intimidation

parliamentThe Association of Professional Guards has accused the minister of Internal Affairs of issuing “intimidating” statements.

The Association of Professional Guards said today that it regretted that the Minister of Home Affairs had said it was ‘unacceptable’ for officers to mount Parliament’s steps during the demonstration last Thursday. Miguel Macedo also claimed this behaviour “will not be repeated.”

Thousands of demonstrating police officers showed up last Thursday in Lisbon and pulled down the police barriers and climbed the steps at main entrance of Parliament where they sang the national anthem and then left peacefully.

In a statement the association and the GNR said the comments by Miguel Macedo were 'intimidating' and his statements showed a "profound lack of respect for professionals” with the minister opting to “ignore the welfare and rights of thousands of professionals who have spoken out.”

"The government must understand that certain professionals are struggling" said the APG/GNR, adding that its members do not accept they have to work harder for less money and with greater risk."

The comments about risk referred to the weekend tragedy in Pinhal Novo where a GNR officer was shot after a multiple kidnapping.

"This professional GNR officer died in the line of duty and neither the Minister of Internal Affairs, or the general in command, has said a word about the loss of this human life," said a bitter APG/GNR spokesman.

The General Inspectorate for Internal Affairs has opened an inquiry into the events
in front of parliament last Thursday .