French ban tinted car windows

citroenFrench authorities have outlawed the use of tinted windows in front seats of cars.

The ban is to come into effect from January 2016 accompanied by a fine of €135 and three points on the licence of any driver caught ignoring the new law.

The move is part of a package of reforms to driving laws which are being introduced as a result of an increase in the number of deaths caused by road accidents in 2014.

Over the last year, numerous new rules and regulations have been introduced aimed at improving road safety.

New laws include lowering the legal blood alcohol level for young people and banning of hands-free kits and earpieces at the wheel.

In October, the government said several hundred more speed cameras would be installed.

The police claim tinted windows make it more difficult to spot drivers committing violations such as using a mobile phone, failing to wear a seat belt or even carrying arms.

Such windows are also believed to restrict visibility, making it harder for pedestrians or cyclists to see if drivers have registered their presence.

Cars which already have tinted windows will have to be adapted which is likely to cost between €200 and €650.