Via do Infante motorway toll scheme nears its 4th anniversary

crashlouleMembers of the tireless Via do Infante anti-tolls group, CUVI, are meeting up this Saturday, November 21, at the headquarters of the Faro Bikers Club to "discuss the consequences of four years of tolls in the Algarve and schedule new actions for their immediate abolition."

CUVI of course are hoping the government change will give a chance of some analysis and good sense over the tolls business, "The formation of a new government opens up a new phase of hope for the country, including in the Algarve."


CUVI’s leader João Vasconcelos became a Left Bloc MP in the general election so CUVI's members feel at least that there is a chance the subject of tolls will be discussed in parliament when the current political mælstrøm has abated.

Whatever the hue of the next government "it should not and cannot turn a blind eye to this tragedy” with people dying unnecessarily on the Algarve’s alternative route, the EN125 ‘road of death.’

On December 8th 2015 the Via do Infante tolls will have been in place for four years and CUVI want to mount a new initiative supported by the Algarvian public and those local politicians who claim to be interested in the Algarve’s future.

Regarding the accident and death rate, CUVI reports that the "the results are very negative and tragic as everyone can see." "The Algarve is expected to end the year with 10,000 accidents."

"Between January 1st and October 21st 2015 there have been 7,943 accidents, 957 more than in the same period last year, as well as 32 deaths, 12 more than in 2014 and 15 more than in 2013.

“Serious injuries also have increased, from 111 in 2014 to 138 in 2015. Faro lies in fourth place when it comes to the accident rate, surpassed only by Lisbon, Oporto and Braga.”

There has been no analysis by the government on the economic affect of the tolls' imposition, despite an early promise to commission research. The PPP funding means the abolition of the tolls would trigger hundreds of millions of euros in compensation payments.