Ria Formosa struggle - Armona island properties are next for demolition

ria formosa2The Algarve’s Ria Formosa islanders today are celebrating the exit of Environmental Minister Jorge Moreia da Silva, a man so reviled by the inhabitants that his name already has entered the history books as the protagonist of a ground zero policy of property destruction all in the name of nature.

The new environment minister, João Pedro Matos Fernandes now is part of António Costa’s new Socialist Party government and the fervent hope is that the policy covering the Ria Formosa area can exclude removing the very people that care for and work in and around the islands.

There remains a problem; the Polis Litoral Ria Formosa Society, run by Sebastião Teixeira whose delight in pushing ahead with the possibly illegal demolition of properties, turned to anger as the Loulé court halted his actions due to the humble chameleon, a protected species, whose habitat was being disturbed.

Teixeira has failed to complete the Ria Formosa project within the ten years allotted but now is pushing for three more years within which to clear the islands of buildings.

There is a meeting of Polis on Thursday November 26th and as things stand, Polis will extend its own mandate unless there is shareholder opposition in the form of majority partner, the Ministry of the Environment which at last is under new management.

Former minister, Moreia da Silva announced last year in a bad tempered public meeting that the initial list of houses was just the start of a wide-reaching policy.

The inference always has been that this process is nothing to do with nature, or protection of the environment but the displacement of hundreds of families was ordered because they lived somewhere pretty that now was needed for development by hotel and leisure companies.

For those who imagine that Polis will change its behaviour, proof came today that properties on the Ria Formosa island of Armona, hitherto unaffected by the demolition crews, also are scheduled for demolition using the same quasi official mumbo jumbo that has been used in an attempt to confuse the island inhabitants into submission.  

This is the sort of nonsense put out by Polis to justify its continued existence...

   ‘maintenance and restoration of ecosystem balance and minimisation of risk situations for people and goods, by way of corrective action of erosion and coastal defense including restoration and enhancement of public space, ensuring use and living conditions and giving coherence to all built to keep in harmony with the natural surroundings….a cost-benefit analysis that will consider the planned removal of existing buildings in the public water domain, or not deployed in areas it disused or concession; the demolition and removal of buildings that are unfit for use in hazardous areas or in illegal situation….demolition of the buildings identified in the nucleus of Armona (removal of buildings, land clearing and transportation of the waste to an appropriate final destination)…relocation of the first house residents if it is proven that it is the only identified residence.’

Not only is this work unnecessary, it is a form of social engineering not out of place in North Korea. The plan acts against the population which is seen as the enemy.

This is the same population that has made these once ignored islands what they are now, communities that attract tourism, but not the right sort of tourism for the government.

But, Jorge Moreia da Silva has gone and the next minister can make his mark by quietly choking the wilder aspects of Polis’ work and setting up a proper, legal and inclusive consultation process to get the best from this natural area - but not at the expense of those that live and work on the Ria Formosa islands.

With Armona now next in line for the demolition crews, the time really has come to call a halt to what has been going on and to assess what is needed.

Politics needs to be left out of the equation as it has been politics all along that has turned possibly highly competent government employees into reviled monsters, acting with agression and arrogance against fellow Portuguese citizens.riaformosa   

A petition has been launched to ask the European Parliament to take the Ria Formosa problem seriously. The points that have been made in support are a summary of years of neglect and cynical manipulation of the people, often in favour of big business.

A summary of the petition's aims has been provided in English

“The Ria Formosa lagoon, located in the Algarve, in southern Portugal, is a system of barrier islands that communicates with the sea through six inlets. In total represents 18.400 hectares all over 60 Km from Ancão to Cacela.

"Ria Formosa is a protected area. Part of the system is a Natural Park but Ria Formosa also plays an important role in the region's economy. Beyond the tourist. In the barrier islands there are several communities in Faro Islands, Armona and Culatra (with 3 different communities: Culatra, Hangares and Farol).

"The Portuguese Government refuses to legalise the houses of the community and wants to demolish them. (...)

"For that reason we ask the support of the European Parliament:

1. To stop all and any actions and procedures in place, ordering the suspension of demolition in the Barrier Islands of Ria Formosa, to avoid the beginning of serious social, human and environmental crisis;

2 - open a period of public debate involving local communities, on the revision of the management plan of the coastal waterfront from Vilamoura to Vila Real St. Antonio, since the plan provides for its review by June 28, 2015;

3 - to guarantee the principle of legality, proportionality, fairness and equal treatment for all residents of the islands of the Ria Formosa, without discrimination and exclusion, in recognizing the rights of private property.

4 - to make sure of the legality of the acts of Polis Litoral Ria Formosa Society, promoting a realignment and adjustment, with evaluation of the possible reallocation of rubrics in relation to EU funds for purposes that preserve Ria Formosa instead of the demolition process in progress, which is marked by illegality and flagrant violations of fundamental rights of European citizens concerned.

Anyone can sign this petition. if you don't have a Portuguese ID card, use your Residencia or Passport number.
