Spanish government complexion remains unclear

podemosAs Spaniards continue to wonder what their government will look like, Podemos has finally made a proposal which would shut the door on the conservatives.

Its leader, Pablo Iglesias, said that he had informed King Felipe VI of the party’s “desire to form a government of change with the Socialists and United Left”.

In such a left-leaning governing alliance, he would seek the post of deputy prime minister.

Anti-austerity Podemos took third place in December’s inconclusive election which saw the governing Popular Party gain the most seats with 119 but short of the 176 needed for an absolute majority.

Until now Podemos had not said if it would enter an alliance with the Socialists.

The Socialists are also being wooed by the Popular Party whose leader, Mariano Rajoy, has called for a “grand coalition” of the two parties along with the centre-right Ciudadanos which gained 40 seats.

Only Ciudadanos has implied it would support the Popular Party, but their combined force would still be shy of a majority.

The Socialists have rejected an alliance with the conservative Popular Party.

The Spanish king has been meeting this week with the leaders of the leading parties, but there does not appear yet to be a working resolution.