High heat kills British tourist

sunnyA British tourist died from excessive heat while on the sun bed he was using in Ibiza.

Neil Murphy, 43, died on the first day of his holiday, an inquest has heard.

The salesman from Birmingham had paid £924 for a week’s stay at the Mare Nostrum Hotel in Playa de en Bossa last August.

When other tourists there realised that he was lying motionless they summoned help but hotel staff who rushed to help could not find a pulse.

An inquest at Birmingham Coroner's Court on Monday confirmed Mr Murphy had died of heatstroke.

Coroner Louise Hunt said: "It is clear from evidence available to me that Neil Murphy was found dead lying on a sunbed at the hotel Mare Nostrum on August 13.

"I am going to record that he died from heatstroke."

Mr Murphy, who was visiting on his own, told friends on Facebook how much he was looking forward to his stay and to the prospect of visiting a nightclub called Space.

"I've always said that the only club I could ever be arsed going to would be Space and it's only up the road from the hotel. So it'll be rude not to go to it," he wrote.

Heat stroke is considered the most serious form of heat injury and is considered a medical emergency. It is caused when the body self-regulation mechanisms fail to cope with excessively high temperatures.

August is the hottest month in Ibiza.