Italy conquers its wine challenge

italy2Italy has been catapulted into the number one position as the world’s largest exporter and producer of wine in 2015, overtaking both France and Spain.

"Today, one bottle of wine exported in five is made in Italy, the biggest wine exporter in the world," Italy's Coldiretti agricultural association said in a statement.

A record of €5 billion worth of wine was exported of which €1.3 billion was destined for the US, the lead consumer of Italian wines.

The next biggest consignment headed for Germany followed by the UK.

Demand has also been on the rise in China, particularly for Chianti and Barolo. Last year orders for China increased by 18% while Japanese consumption went up by 2%.

Italy has been on a slow road to recovery of its wine industry after methanol-tainted wine killed 23 people in 1986 and left dozens of others with neurological damage.

A family business caused the disgrace by adding wood spirits to a poor batch of table wine which had a low alcohol level.

Since then, new safeguards were instituted and more designations created for quality assurance.

"The image of Made in Italy foodstuffs was dramatically compromised across the world, but it was also a chance for a new start with a revolution which saw Italian wine set out to conquer first place" on the international stage, the association said.