Authorities urged to do more against modern slavery in France

prostituteFrench authorities have been told that they must do more to prevent “modern day slavery” in their country.

The country has been criticised for not devoting sufficient resources to flight against slavery by the CNCDH, the National Commission for Human Rights, which issued a report on Thursday.

"Human slavery in France is a little known reality," the commission stated. Sexual exploitation forms a "significant part" of the modern slave trade, along with domestic slavery, sweatshop workers, and minors who are forced to work as beggars and thieves to help criminal organisations.

The report noted that many people think slavery today relates solely to prostitution.

It said it is a misconception to believe that it is only illegal migrants who are affected by trafficking because French citizens, especially vulnerable ones, can become victims of forced labour and exploitation.

The French justice system was highlighted for treating exploited minors as “criminals or illegal immigrants” rather than victims. The report said that those involved in criminal gangs, such as pickpocket rings, are often abused and punished if they don’t return with enough money.

In 2014 the French government launched a national plan to combat slavery in 2014, but the CNCDH says the plan is "far from being effective" and that "a good number of measures have not been put in place".

The rights group argues that official statistics represent only a small part of reality as victims of trafficking do not identify themselves as such and very rarely go to the police.