South west Rota Vicentina walking route joins 'Best of Europe' category

rotavincentinaThe Rota Vicentina walking route between Santiago do Cacém, Sines, in the Alentejo and the Algarve's Cape St. Vincent has won European certification and is now one of the  ‘Leading Quality Trails - Best of Europe’ as defined by the all-important European Ramblers Association.

"This is a very demanding certification process that looks at several factors, including the quality and nature of the trails, the beauty of the landscape, safety, access, the information provided to hikers and the quality of the route’s signage, among many other” commented the Rota Vicentina management.

The walking route is a 400 kilometre network of paths along the south west coast of Portugal and running through the Algarve - Alentejo border.

With a few small changes suggested, the Rota Vicentina passed the certification test with flying colors and scored well above the minimum required.

"This is a key step in the international affirmation of the Alentejo and Costa Vicentina destination for hiking and nature tourism,' said the association, adding that the route "has further gained the trust of a most demanding international audience and consequently there will be greater awareness among potential new walkers."

They are only 12 certified routes in Europe in countries such as Denmark, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and Greece and the admission of the Rota Vicentina into the fold can do nothing but good for those Algarve and Alentejo businesses dependent on walkers.

The route was launched in 2012, as a partnership between local councils and local business owners who advocate nature tourism as an essential way of developing this sparsely populated region.

In 2015 the Caminho Histórico, Trilho dos Pescadores and Percursos Circulares were launched to expand the options available to walkers who encounter rural inland areas as well as the wild west coast.