EN125 roadworks 'not quick enough'

en125postPortugal’s Communist Party wants the Government to ensure the road works on the EN125 are completed quickly and recommends it "take the necessary measures” to get the job done.

The Communists also want the executive "instruct Infraestruturas de Portugal, which should be provided with appropriate means, to oversee the rapid completion of all the works originally planned for the EN125, including bypasses, access roads and connections which are not covered in the current work schedule of the concession holder Algarve Litoral."

Seeking a perfect world, the Communists then urges the Government to "proceed with the renegotiation of the contract with Algarve Litoral in order to reduce its profits and to ensure a reduction in government spending over the life of concession holder."

Lagos council also is fed up with the endless roadworks as Easter looms, and has sent a complaint to the government demanding the “rapid completion of all works originally planned for the EN 125, including bypasses and access roads and the construction of the Odiáxere bypass as it has been planned for decades and was in the original roadworks plan."

The Lagos complaint has been taken up by the Communists as the Lagos roadworks indeed have been dragging on since 2009.

Now that the EN125 is being upgraded, those that for years have demanded some action are now complaining the work is not quick enough, nor is it sufficienly comprehensive.