Reform plan - 85% dependent on Brussels - sets aside €149 million to help the needy

Reform plan - 85% dependent on Brussels - sets aside €149 million to help the needyOf the 25 billion euros that the government seeks to spend on reforming (and improving) the country, 85% is dependent on European funding - either in the form of community funds or the so-called Juncker Plan. And some of the money (2.2 billion euros) depends on Portugal coming in under 3% deficit - which is the plan for this year (click here).

As stories emerge of all the investments to come if Brussels gives the green light to the National Reform Programme, one involves €149 million, to be ploughed into help for the country’s inhabitants considered “most in need”.

The plan involves “the acquisition and distribution of foods” and primary ‘basics’, as well as the supply of daily free mails.

Dubbed the operational programme to help the neediest people, it involves a State outlay of €149 million powered by European funding of a further €130 million.

Diário de Notícias explains that a number of contracts are planned “to promote social inclusion” and combat poverty “through employability”.

The bottom line is that the government is setting out to “dynamise” the way the country’s poorest inhabitants are supported in a bid to ensure that “people in situations of risk and socio-economic vulnerability” are not left behind.

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